Are the shoulder joint function, stability, and mobility tests predictive of handstand execution?
gymnastics, upper extremity, quality of movement, physical education, Y balance test, range of motionAbstract
Handstand is a basic unstable element common across gymnastic disciplines that is frequently evaluated for quality in skill acquisition and competition. The execution of handstands relies on maintaining balance through corrective strategies, where the shoulders seem particularly important. This study explores the relationship between shoulder joint function and the quality of handstand execution in college athletes (n = 111). We assessed the stability and mobility of the shoulder joints using standardized and purpose-built field tests and quality was evaluated on two official rating scales. Ordinal logistic regression models showed no relationship between the quality of handstand execution and measures of shoulder joint stability and mobility in our sample. Two major factors may cause this pattern of results. Firstly, the standardized tests assess shoulder joints in different loads and ranges of motion compared to handstands, and also because our sample had limited ability to perform the handstand sufficiently well.
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