Peak Power and Body Mass as Predictors of Bone Strength in Healthy Male and Female Adults
pQCT, bone strength, peak power, body massAbstract
Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine whether a common, non-invasive, muscular fitness field test was a better predictor of bone strength compared to body mass in healthy adults. .
Methods: Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were used to determine the amount of variance that peak power explained for bone strength of the tibia compared to body mass. Peak power was estimated from maximal vertical jump height using the Sayer’s equation. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography scans were used to assess bone strength measures.
Results: Peak power (ꞵ=0.541, p<0.001) contributed more to the unique variance in bone strength index for compression compared to body mass (ꞵ=-0.102, p=0.332). For polar strength strain index, the beta coefficient for body mass remained significant (ꞵ=0.257, p<0.006), however peak power’s contribution was similar (ꞵ=0.213, p= 0.051).
Conclusion: Compared to body mass, peak power was a better predictor for trabecular bone strength but similar to body mass for cortical bone strength. These data provide additional support for the development of a vertical jump test as a simple, objective, valid and reliable measure to monitor bone strength among youth and adult populations.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Vanessa Yingling, Jastine Bugayong, Candace Juhala, Eric Ma, Katelyn Carvalho, Sarah Kwong, Andrew Denys
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