Preprint / Version 2

Physical Superiority in Football An Analysis of the Systematic Development of Conditional Abilities and Their Challenges in Austria's Football Youth Academies


  • Anton Maderbacher Grazer AK



Physical Development, Elite Soccer, strength training, Long-term athlete development


Purpose: This study analyzes the systematic development of physical abilities in Austrian youth football. It highlights the use of training methods and resources as well as the challenges that influence the transition from youth to professional levels. The results provide valuable insights into the prioritization of conditional abilities and identify technical and organizational barriers that could hinder the development of future national players. 

Methodology: Through a quantitative survey conducted among all 15 sports science heads responsible for the Austrian football academies certified by the Austrian Football Association (as of February 2024), both the significance and the organizational aspects of implementing strength, speed, and endurance training in training operations were queried. A total of 60% of all distributed questionnaires were included in the actual analysis (9 out of 15 sports science directors). 

The same survey was also sent to the heads of sports science at the newly established youth performance centers (NLZ) for the 2023/24 season; however, due to the low response rate (22.2%), they were excluded from further analyses due to the lack of representativeness. 

Results: The results showed, among other things, a very high or high acceptance and prioritization of strength and speed training in the weekly training operations, but less priority was given to inclusive endurance training. An extremely negative opinion of the sports science directors was detected regarding the permeability between youth and professional levels. The greatest performance differentiating factor between academy players and players from the professional level was identified as technical and tactical skills, which could also explain the below-average permeability in the clubs. 


Keywords: Football, Physical Development, Youth Training, Strength Training


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2024-12-29 — Updated on 2025-01-23
