Preprint / Version 1

Health, time, and financial co-benefits of active travelling

a case report of one cyclist in the Tokyo metropolitan area


  • Julien Tripette Ochanomizu University
  • Ohta Yuji



active commuting, active transportation, active travel, bicycle, physical activity promotion


Background: Limited data exist on bicycle travel in the Tokyo Metropolitan area. This study aimed to quantify the health, time, and financial co-benefits of active travel in this region.

Methods: This case report focuses on a Tokyo resident who switched from public transportation to active travel. Geographic and time data from 11 months of travel, recorded using the Runkeeper application, were analyzed retrospectively. Bicycle trips were identified and compared to public transportation on the same routes regarding cost and duration. The subject also performed maximal oxygen consumption tests before and after the observation period.

Results: Over the 11-month observation period, the subject traveled a total of 3,959 km, which took 16,513 minutes to complete. The estimated public transportation duration for the same routes was 23,576 minutes, resulting in a time savings of 4 days, 21 hours, and 43 minutes due to active travel. The financial savings were estimated to be between ¥125,620 and ¥177,120. Additionally, an increase of 6.8 ml/kg/min in maximal oxygen consumption was observed.

Conclusion: In addition to improving physical fitness, adopting active travel habits appears to provide significant time and financial benefits. Larger-scale intervention studies are needed. Communicating the co-benefits of active travel may be a promising tool for promoting physical activity.


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