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SPARK: Feasible, pragmatic and ecologically valid values-based anti-doping education for athletes


  • Andrea Petroczi Kingston University London | ELTE Eötvos Loránd University Budapest
  • Sam N. Thrower Oxford Brookes University
  • Cornelia Blank



anti-doping education, athlete, sport, prevention, values, spirit of sport, sensemaking, identity


Background: The challenges in providing values-based education for elite athletes are linked to the developmental stage of the learners, the mode of delivery, the content, and the available human resources.

Aims: To address these challenges, we developed and tested an evidence-based 90-minute, in-person workshop for competitive-level athletes called SPARK.

Methods: A feasibility study was conducted with six student-athletes in the Talented Athletes Scheme in the UK. followed by a pilot study with an international sample of 79 elite biathletes, of which 19 contributed to the evaluation with full data. Participants completed a standardised evaluation survey pre- and post-intervention and provided qualitative feedback.

Results: Athletes’ assessment showed improvement in self-awareness of value priorities, efficacy in processing and manage personal and societal values and potential value conflicts, and ability to use personal values to analyse options and to guide decisions about sport and performance enhancement. Due to the small sample size, statistical significance was not reached. No change occurred in anti-doping knowledge and self-efficacy in its application.

Conclusion: Results suggest that SPARK is feasible, effective, and well-received by participants. It can be incorporated into any knowledge-based anti-doping education and – if desired - run alongside value-education that promotes the ‘spirit of sport’.


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