Preprint / Version 1

What is Strength?


  • Adrian Kind Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
  • Walter Veit
  • Eric Helms
  • Conor Heffernan



Effort, Physical effort, Strength, Ability, Strength sports, Strongman, muscle strength


In this paper we argue that physical strength is in philosophical terms best understood as general agentive ability to exercise difficult physical effort. We develop this metaphysical claim about strength, by focusing on the historically developed most paradigmatic test of overall strength: The sport of Strong (Wo)Man. We extract the understanding of strength present in this sport, and show how the current philosophical agents' abilities, and physical effort, lend themselves to capture the essential features of strength, providing the justification for our claim. Finally we argue that strongman itself is already surprisingly well thought through to assess strength, balancing different tradeoffs that exist when quantitatively attempting to measure strength, making it a robust epistemic tool to determine strength in an interdisciplinary manner.


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