Beyond FITT
How Density Can Improve the Understanding of the Dose-Response Relationship Between Physical Activity and Brain Health
exercise dose, sedentary behavior, Brain, Cognition, PersonalisedAbstract
Research on physical activity and health, including planned and structured forms such as acute and chronic physical exercise, has focused on understanding potential dose-response relationships. Traditionally, the variables of (i) Frequency, (ii) Intensity, (iii) Time, (iv) and Type (known as the FITT principle) have been used to operationalize the dose of physical activity. In this article, we describe the limitations of FITT and propose that it should be complemented by the underappreciated variable density, which defines the temporal distribution of physical activity stimuli within a single bout of physical activity or between successive bouts of physical activity relative to time spent resting (e.g., in napping/sleeping or sedentary behaviors). Using the field of physical activity and brain health as an example, we discuss challenges and opportunities for further research to use density to improve our understanding of dose-response relationships between physical activity and health-related outcomes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Fabian Herold, Liye Zou, Paula Theobald, Patrick Manser, Ryan S. Falck, Qian Yu, Teresa Liu-Ambrose, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur K. Kramer, Kirk I. Erickson, Boris Cheval, Yanixa Chen, Matthew Heath, Zhihao Zhang, Toru Ishihara, Keita Kamijo, Soichi Ando, Yanping Gao, Joseph P. Costello, Meijun Hou, Mats Hallgren, Zhuhui Chen, David Moreau, Vahid Farrahi, David A. Raichlen, Emmanuel Stamatakis, Michael J. Wheeler, Neville Owen, Sebastian Ludyga, Henning Budde, Thomas Gronwald (Author)

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