Synthetic data for sharing and exploration in high performance sport
Considerations for application
open science, privacy, anonymity, data analysis, transparencyAbstract
Synthetic data represent alternative data sources generated using mathematical procedures to address specific issues in research and practice. Synthetic data has emerging applications in clinical and medical data contexts and may assist in overcoming privacy issues to help support open science practice. The present study discusses the applicability of an established synthetic data generation process using sequential tree-based algorithms (Synthpop package in R) in the context of athlete monitoring data in sport. We provide an educational primer and discussion for potential application of these methods when exploring issues in the field sports and exercise sciences via the application of Synthpop in seven simulation examples applied to a professional football dataset. Although sequential tree-based algorithms can create synthetic data using our reference dataset, we provide considerations for and highlight limitations when constructing synthetic data. To summarize, three types of models can be conceptualised for generating synthetic data: 1) models used for analysis of the original data (answering specific research questions); 2) models used to generate synthetic data, and; 3) models that represent the true generation process for the original data. Misalignments in the specifications of these models might introduce biases that can compromise the utility of synthetic data no matter the purpose. As synthetic data do not constitute a direct replacement of real data from conceptual and empirical standpoints, we believe that researchers embracing this practice must include sufficient documentation concerning the synthetic data generation process purpose, the predictors and model used, and the potential boundary conditions for using the synthetic data in future investigations in sports and other fields.
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Copyright (c) 2024 John Warmenhoven, Franco Impellizzeri, Ian Shrier, Andrew Vigotsky, Lorenzo Lolli, Paolo Menaspà, Aaron Coutts, Maurizio Fanchini, Giles Hooker (Author)
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