Assessment of the OmiusTM cooling headband during a 70-minute submaximal running effort followed by a 5-km time-trial in hot/humid conditions
cooling, per-cooling, heat, thermoregulation, performance, runningAbstract
Exercise performed under hot/humid conditions can hinder endurance performance. The OmiusTM headband (OH) is purported to reduce the perception of heat and improve performance. We examined the impact of OH on selected thermal and cardiovascular functions, subjective perceptions and running performance. Using a randomized crossover protocol, 10 trained male athletes (28 ± 4 yrs) completed two trials (OH and SH (sham headband), 35.0 ± 0.3ºC, 56 ± 3% relative humidity) comprising 70 min of running (60% O2max) followed by a 5-km running time-trial (TT). Heart rate, perceived exertion and whole-body thermal comfort did not significantly differ between OH and SH during the submaximal running effort and the TT. Rectal temperature was significantly lower with SH (− 0.18 ± 0.17ºC) than OH prior to the submaximal running effort; this significant difference persisted during the submaximal running effort. Rectal temperature did not differ significantly between conditions during the TT. Forehead temperature was significantly lower with OH than SH during the submaximal running effort, but no significant difference was observed at the end of the TT. Perceived forehead thermal comfort was only significantly lower with OH than SH during the submaximal running effort. TT time did not significantly differ between OH (19.8 ± 1.2 min) and SH (20.2 ± 1.0 min). We conclude that in hot/humid conditions, OH does not improve heart rate, forehead and rectal temperatures, perceived exertion, whole-body and forehead thermal comfort and performance during a 5-km running TT preceded by 70 min of moderate-intensity running.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Antoine Jolicoeur Desroches, Fedi Aloui, Thomas Deshayes, Éric Goulet (Author)

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