360° Holistic Coaching Model - Romanian Football Player's Development
Applied Sport Anthropology Catalyst Subject
Football, Soccer, Player's Development, Holistic Coaching, Sports Anthropology, Football Management, Youth players, Romanian Football, Sociology of Football, Football Culture, Coaching ModelAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to offer an applied anthropological conclusion that may be a resource for the Romanian Football Federation and the Football Development Department within. My focus in this paper, will be to bring an anthropological view of football player’s development in Romania, based on a “snapshot” window of time, from 2012 to 2016, being involved 3-4 days every week in coaching 60 club players, age between 6-13 years old, and also encountering with other 300 players, with more than 10 different teams, and football coaches, officials in Alba county, Romania. In this research observation method, in order to present a diverse view of the anthropological “snapshot” I am using a holistic life coaching model applied to football player’s development. “360° Holistic Coaching Model”, contains 6 areas of personal development for a football player: 1. The FOOTBALL of a player (training, skills, play) 2. The PHYSICAL health of a player 3. The EMOTIONAL stability of a player 4. The INTELLECTUAL stimulation of a player 5. The SOCIAL and RELATIONSHIPS effectiveness of a player 6. The LIFE ROLE and LIFE PURPOSE of a player
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