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Optimizing resistance training technique to maximize muscle hypertrophy: A narrative review
muscle hypertrophy, technique, Resistance trainingAbstract
Regimented resistance training (RT) has been shown to promote increases in muscle size. When engaging in RT, practitioners often emphasize the importance of appropriate exercise technique, especially when trying to maximize training adaptations (e.g.: hypertrophy). This narrative review aims to synthesize existing evidence on what constitutes proper exercise technique for maximizing muscle hypertrophy, focusing on variables such as exercise-specific kinematics, contraction type, repetition tempo, and range of motion (ROM). We recommend that when trying to maximize hypertrophy, one should employ a ROM that emphasizes training at long muscle lengths while also employing a repetition tempo between 2-8 seconds. More research is needed to determine whether manipulating the duration of either the eccentric or concentric phase further enhances hypertrophy. Guidelines for body positioning and movement patterns are generally based on implied theory from applied anatomy and biomechanics. However, existing research on the impact of manipulating these aspects of exercise technique and their effect on hypertrophy is limited; it is therefore suggested that universal exercise-specific kinematic guidelines are followed and adopted to the above recommendations. Future research should investigate the impact of stricter versus more lenient exercise technique variations on hypertrophy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Patroklos Androulakis Korakakis, Milo Wolf, Max Coleman, Ryan Burke, Alec Pinero, Jeff Nippard, Brad J Schoenfeld (Author)
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