Acceptability and Feasibility of the Telehealth Bariatric Behavioural Intervention to Increase Physical Activity before Bariatric Surgery: A Single-Case Experimental Study (Part I)
Telehealth Bariatric Behavioural Intervention
Behavioural change intervention, Bariatric surgery, Physical activity, e-health, N-of-1, Motivational interviewingAbstract
Physical activity can play an important role in optimizing metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) outcomes. However, patient mobilization is difficult, and development of theory-driven counseling interventions are needed. This study aimed to: 1) assess the feasibility and acceptability of the TELEhealth BARIatric behavioural intervention (TELE-BariACTIV) trial protocol/methods and intervention, which was designed to increase moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) in adults awaiting MBS; and 2) estimate the effect of the intervention on MVPA. This multicenter trial used a repeated single-case experimental design. Twelve insufficiently active adults awaiting MBS received 6 weekly 45-minute PA counselling sessions via videoconferencing. Feasibility and acceptability data (i.e., refusal, recruitment, retention, attendance, and attrition rates) were tracked and collected via online surveys, and interviews. MVPA was assessed via accelerometry pre, during and post-intervention. Among the 24 patients referred to the research team; five declined to participate (refusal rate=20.8%) and seven were ineligible or unreachable. The recruitment rate was 1.2 participants per month between 2021-09 and 2022-07. One participant withdrew during the baseline phase, and 1 after the intervention (retention rate=83.3%). No participant dropouts occurred during the intervention and 98.6% of sessions were completed. Participants anticipated and retrospective acceptability of the intervention was 3.2/4 (IQR: 0.5) and 3.0/4 (IQR: 0.2), respectively. There was a statistically significant increase in MVPA [Tau-U=0.32(0.11; 0.51)] from pre- to post-intervention. Despite a low recruitment rate, which could be explained by circumstances (COVID-19 pandemic), results support feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of the TELE-Bari-ACTIVE intervention for increasing MVPA in patients awaiting MBS.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelie Baillot, Marine Asselin, Paquito Bernard, Josyanne Lapointe, Dale Bond, Ahmed Jérôme Romain, Pierre Garneau, Laurent Biertho, André Tchernof, Patricia Blackburn, Marie-France Langlois, Jennifer Brunet (Author)

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