Advanced spike technology enhances sprinting speed
Advanced Footwear Technology, super spikes, cushioning, maximal sprinting speed, track running, athletic performanceAbstract
Recent advances in spiked shoe design, characterized by increased longitudinal stiffness, thicker midsole foams, and reconfigured geometry are considered to improve sprint performance. However, so far there is no empirical data on the effects of advanced spikes technology on maximal sprinting speed (MSS) published yet. Consequently, we assessed MSS via ‘flying 30m’ sprints of 44 trained male (PR: 10.32 s - 12.08 s) and female (PR: 11.56 s - 14.18 s) athletes, wearing both traditional and advanced spikes in a randomized, repeated measures design. The results revealed a statistically significant increase in MSS by 1.21% on average when using advanced spikes technology. Notably, 87% of participants showed improved MSS with the use of advanced spikes. A cluster analysis unveiled that athletes with higher MSS may benefit to a greater extent. However, individual responses varied widely, suggesting the influence of multiple factors that need detailed exploration. Therefore, coaches and athletes are advised to interpret the promising performance enhancements cautiously and evaluate the appropriateness of the advanced spike technology for their athletes critically.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jonas Klein, Tom Jasper Oeppert, Moritz Schepp, Klara Lange, Thomas Schmalz, Steffen Willwacher (Author)

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