A Maximal Rowing Ergometer Protocol to Predict Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Female Rowers
Indirect test, incremental test, maximal rowing performance test, V̇O2max, prediction equationAbstract
Background: Laboratory assessment of maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) is physically and mentally draining for the athlete and requires expensive laboratory equipment. Indirect measurement of V̇O2max could provide a practical alternative to laboratory testing. Purpose: To examine the relationship between the maximal power output (MPO) in an individualized 7x2 min incremental test (INCR-test) and V̇O2max and to develop a regression equation to predict V̇O2max from MPO in female rowers. Methods: 20 female club and Olympic rowers (development group) performed the INCR-test on a Concept2 rowing ergometer to determine V̇O2max and MPO. A linear regression analysis was used to develop a prediction of V̇O2max from MPO. Cross validation analysis of the prediction equation was performed using an independent sample of 10 female rowers (validation group). Results: A high correlation coefficient (r=0.94) was found between MPO and V̇O2max. The following prediction equation was developed: V̇O2max (mL·min-1) = 9.58*MPO (W) + 958. No difference was found between the mean predicted V̇O2max in the INCR-test (3480 mL·min-1) and the measured V̇O2max (3530 mL·min-1). Standard error of estimate was 162 mL·min-1 and %SEE was 4.6%. The prediction model only including MPO, determined during the INCR-test, explained 89% of the variability in V̇O2max. Conclusion: The INCR-test is a practical and accessible alternative to laboratory testing of V̇O2max.
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- 2023-05-06 (3)
- 2023-04-20 (2)
- 2023-04-19 (1)
Copyright (c) 2023 Søren Gam, Oscar Mazza, Kurt Jesen, Mikkel Kolind, Christian Kiær, Christina Hauge Donstrup (Author)

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