Training, lifestyle and physiological conditions and performance in esports: a review
Esports, performance optimization, multimodal training, mental training, coaching, emotion managementAbstract
Esports practices are fast-growing worldwide with the increasing interest of numerous spectators. Given the competitiveness inherent to this activity, performance optimization is crucial to a large number of professional gamers and staff. However, scientific data, regarding critical factors that could favor such optimization, are still scant. This narrative review aims to provide a brief overview of studies that have examined the impact of lifestyle and psychophysiological parameters on esports players’ performance. It has been shown that these factors are significant in a competitive context. The results describe the essential role of, sleep patterns, cognitive abilities, nutrition, and psychological functioning for optimal performance in esports. In addition, the following technics including social cohesion, setting up clear life goals, internal discourse, and mental toughness technics positively affected esports players’ performance. Our review also suggests that a multimodal coaching program for esports players, that considers all the aforementioned psychophysiological parameters, would account for the most benefits on performance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Julien Nicolas Rodrigues-Vion, Matthieu Baliros-Bonnel, Florine Rodrigues-Vion, Slyde Assadan, Elpidio Attoh-Mensah (Author)

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