Publication bias, statistical power and reporting practices in the Journal of Sports Sciences
Potential barriers to replicability
publication bias, Power analysis, replicability, reproducibilityAbstract
When designing studies researchers often assume that findings can be replicated, and are not false positive results. However, in literature that suffer from underpowered designs and publication bias, the replicability of findings can be hindered. A previous study by Abt et al., (2020) reported a median sample size of 19 and the scarce usage of pre-study power analyses in studies published in the Journal of Sports Sciences. We meta-analyzed 89 studies from the same journal to assess the presence and extent of publication bias, as well as the average statistical power, by conducting a z-curve analysis. In a larger sample of 179 studies, we also examined a) the usage, reporting practices, and reproducibility of pre-study power analyses; and b) the prevalence of reporting practices of t-statistic or F-ratio, degrees of freedom, exact p-values, effect sizes and confidence intervals. Our results indicate that there was some indication of publication bias and the average observed power was low (53% for significant and non-significant findings and 61% for only significant findings). Finally, the usage and reporting practices of pre-study power analyses as well as statistical results including test statistics, effect sizes and confidence intervals were suboptimal.
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