Optimal Shot Sequences by Court Position and Player Types
Research and Practical Application with a ready to use shot sequence dashboard
Tennis, Clustering, Tennis Data Science, Tennis Shot Sequence, Tennis Player TypesAbstract
The thesis aimed to find optimal shot sequences using sequential market basket analysis from different court positions using domain expert agreed court tessellations (Court Segments) and for different player types determined by using unsupervised learning (clustering) (Figure 1).
Accurately determining this information can provide benefits to coaches and tennis academies to:
-better setup training for specific players
-be used alongside talent identification models to help nurture players unique game styles fromearly in their development
-scout opponents and strategise game plans
The K-Prototypes clustering algorithm was used to infer player types. The algorithm was selected over other algorithms by a majority of domain experts. The cluster group sizes were determined using the knee/elbow method and the cluster cohesion and separation was assessed using silhouette coefficient testing. Sequential Market Basket Analysis was applied to spatio-temporal data with the player clusters to determine shot sequences, which were then pruned using multi-metric thresholds including support and lift. Shot Sequences were evaluated using a derived weighted per point outcome and compared to various intuitive baselines.
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