A 5-day HIIT crash block with low time at high VO2 values may lead to rapid lactate threshold improvements in well-trained endurance runners
A Case Report
crash block, HIIT, lactate threshold, anaerobic threshold, distance runningAbstract
Lactate threshold and the overall lactate profile (a curve trendline between lactate levels and velocity) are important biomarkers for endurance running performance. Lactate values at given running velocities are race time predictors in endurance events, and in case of predicting an unsatisfactory result in running competitions, urgent actions to improve endurance running performance are needed. HIIT crash blocks prior to race can be used as such option but existing experiments were performed on athletes in other than running sports. In this study we performed an experiment on an well-trained endurance runner, in this experiment a short time (5 days) high intensity interval training (HIIT) crash block leads to rapid improvements in his lactate profile. It’s important to add that the time at high vo2 values during the HIIT session was very low but the lactate production was very high, which may suggests the discovery of a new mechanism for improving the lactate profile of an athlete
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