“You can't shoot another bullet until you've reloaded the gun”
Coaches’ Perceptions, Practices and Experiences of Deloading in Strength and Physique Sports
deload, strength sports, physique sports, powerlifting, olympic weightlifting, bodybuilding, strength training, deloadingAbstract
The aim of this research was to explore strength and physique coaches’ experiences of deloading: the purposeful reduction in overall training demand with the intention of enhancing preparedness for successive training cycles. To date, no studies have directly explored the concept of deloading in strength and physique sports. Eighteen strength and physique coaches from a range of sports (weightlifting, powerlifting and bodybuilding) participated in semi-structured interviews to discuss their experiences of deloading. Some participants (n = 7) represented multiple sports. Qualitative content analysis identified 3 categories: definitions, rationale, and application. Participants conceptualised deloading as a periodic, intentional cycle of reduced training demand, designed to facilitate fatigue management, improve recovery, and assist in overall training progression and readiness. There was no single method of deloading; instead, a reduction in training volume and intensity of effort were the most adapted training variables, along with alterations in exercise selection and configuration. Deloading was typically prescribed for a duration of 5 to 7 days and programmed every 4 to 6 weeks, although periodicity was highly variable. Additional findings highlight the underrepresentation of deloading in the published literature, including a lack of a clear operational definition.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lee Bell, David Nolan, Velu Immonen, Eric Helms, Jake Dallamore, Milo Wolf, Patroklos Androulakis Korakakis

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.