The feasibility and validity of a single camera deep learning-based method for 3D biomechanical analysis in strength training
Strength training, Video-based motion capture, Marker-less motion capture, Biomechanics, Deep-learningAbstract
Biomechanical analysis is valuable for injury risk and performance assessment in sports, but the application is limited due to restrictions in costs, set-up time and accuracy of available motion capture methods. Therefore, the present proof-of-concept study evaluated the feasibility and validity of a more suitable method, based on a single camera combined with a deep-learning algorithm, by comparing obtained biomechanical parameters with those obtained by the state-of-the-art optoelectronic measurement system (OMS) and the marker-less Kinect during upper-body strength exercises. Results from five athletes revealed strong to excellent correlations for most parameters and root-mean-square deviations of 4-8 degrees for angles and 0.9-1.4Nm for moments, but insufficient ICCs compared to the OMS, and partly better performance than the Kinect. In conclusion, the present study showed that the single camera deep learning-based method is feasible for biomechanical analysis of strength exercises and provides limited evidence that some parameters can be estimated with reasonable accuracy. However, the accuracy of peak angle and moment estimations should be improved before this method can be applied for injury prevention, i.e. by training the deep-learning model on a larger variety of subject anthropometries. Furthermore, future research should investigate the validity for larger sample sizes and multiple exercises.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lisa Noteboom, Marco Hoozemans, DirkJan Veeger, Frans van der Helm
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