Preprint / Version 1

Replicating lumbar extensor fatigue equivalent to soccer using isolated resistance exercise


  • Craig Perrin Birmingham City University
  • Dave Smith Manchester Metropolitan University
  • James Steele Solent University



Lumbar, Fatigue, Soccer, Football, Resistance Exercise, Monitoring


Lower lumbar extension strength is associated with back pain and balance, and sufficient force production appears important for maintaining kinematics whilst walking and running. A reduction in lumbar extensor force through deconditioning or fatigue might increase the risk of back pain, falls, and injury. Unfortunately, studies investigating the effects of lumbar extensor fatigue use a magnitude of fatigue which has little ecological validity and does not isolate contributions to the lumbar extensors. We previously showed the lumbar extensors are fatigued more than the trunk flexors after simulating ninety minutes of soccer. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to create a lumbar extensor fatiguing protocol, using a device that immobilises the pelvis, that replicates the lumbar extensor fatigue observed after soccer. Fourteen male amateur soccer players performed a four-repetition and five-repetition isolated lumbar extension protocol using 80% of their peak torque in a randomised counterbalanced design. A z-score of 0.68 about the mean lumbar extensor fatigue after soccer simulation was used to determine the range of equivalence and the five-repetition protocol was found to agree with the fatigue observed after soccer. The four-repetition protocol induced a median reduction that did not fall within the equivalence interval. This protocol can be used to estimate the causal effects of lumbar extensor fatigue from soccer and has the potential to assess players for injury risk and performance potential.


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