Investigating the Lack of Sustained Performance in Indian Sports
A Case Study in Tennis
sports, performance, athletes, coaches, Olympics, sports education, Tennis, injuries, India, Long-term athlete developmentAbstract
In this report , we investigate the lack of sustained peak performance of professional Indian athletes on the international sporting stage, using Lawn Tennis as a case study. We present a data-driven analysis of sporting performance of Indian Tennis players as they age. We find that while Indian athletes perform relatively well when younger, they are unable to carry that momentum in their later years. We focus on the role of Strength and Conditioning during coaching as a key factor. We also suggest possible steps that could be taken to create a
more reliable and long-term sports coaching environment for athletes to succeed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Christian Bosse, Ramkiran Ballal, Prajnesh Gunneswaran, Hargun Oberoi, Surojit Bhattacharyya
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