Reporting Executive Dysfunctions versus Measuring Executive Functions as Predictor of Cognitive Skills in Athletes
Executive Functions, Self reporting, Talent identification, Cognitive diagnosticsAbstract
Cognitive diagnostics, especially the measurement of executive functions (EFs) in the context of sports and talent diagnostics, is a popular research topic. However, research is lacking on the extent to which self-reports are sufficient to examine the EFs of athletes for performance diagnostics. Thus, the current study aims to evaluate the relationships between neuropsychological tasks (3-back task, cued GoNoGo task, flanker task, and number-letter task) and a self-report for examining EFs (BRIEF-SB). Furthermore, it should be investigated whether it is possible to predict the outcome of EF tasks using a self-report inventory. Therefore, 68 young professional soccer players (Mage = 14.26 ±1.35 years) from a national youth academy were included in the study. The weak-to-moderate correlations (r[59] = .000, p = .999 to r[59] = -.442, p < .01) and the results of sensitivity analysis (0.125 to 0.538) do not suggest using a self-report of EFs for cognitive performance diagnostics. The inventory is only suitable for identifying executive dysfunctions in athletes recovering from head injuries or concussions.
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