Preprint / Version 1

Inertial Flywheel Resistance Training in Tendinopathy Rehabilitation

A scoping review


  • Ian Burton NHS



Flywheel training, Tendinopathy, Resistance training, Exercise, Physiotherapy, Tendon


Objective: To identify current evidence on inertial flywheel resistance training (IFRT) in the treatment of tendinopathy, evaluating intervention parameters and outcomes.

Methods: This scoping review was reported in accordance with the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). Databases searched included MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, EMBase, SPORTDiscus, Cochrane library (Controlled trials, Systematic reviews), and five trial registries. Two independent reviewers screened studies at title, abstract and full text. Following screening, data was extracted and charted, and presented as figures and tables alongside a narrative synthesis. Any study design conducted on adults, investigating the effects of IFRT for tendinopathy were included. Data were extracted on intervention parameters and outcomes of IFRT interventions.

Results: Five studies were included, four on patellar tendinopathy and one in a population at risk of patellar tendinopathy. A variety of outcomes were assessed, including pain, function, strength, power, and tendon morphological and mechanical properties, particularly changes in tendon thickness. IFRT intervention parameters were largely homogenously prescribed, with slight variances.

Conclusion:  Despite a paucity of studies to date on the effects of IFRT for treating tendinopathy, preliminary evidence for beneficial effects of IFRT on clinical outcomes in patellar tendinopathy is encouraging. As IFRT is a relatively new and unexplored method in tendinopathy rehabilitation, definitive conclusions, and recommendations cannot be made at present, which should be addressed in future research, due to the potential therapeutic benefits highlighted in this review.


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