Assessment of the reporting quality of resistance training interventions in randomised controlled trials for lower limb tendinopathy
A systematic review
Tendinopathy, Resistance training, Musculoskeletal, Rehabilitation, CERTAbstract
Objectives: 1. To describe what exercises and intervention variables are used in resistance training interventions in randomised controlled trials for lower limb tendinopathy 2. To assess completeness of reporting as assessed by the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) and the Toigo and Boutellier framework. 3. To assess the implementation of scientific resistance training principles. 4. To assess therapeutic quality of exercise interventions with the i-CONTENT tool.
Design: Systematic review
Data sources: We searched MEDLINE, CINAHL, AMED, EMBase, SPORTDiscus, and the Cochrane library databases.
Elligibility criteria: Randomized controlled trials that reported using resistance exercises for lower limb tendinopathies.
Results: We included 109 RCTs. Eccentric heel drops were the most common exercise (43 studies), followed by isotonic heel raises (21), and single leg eccentric decline squats (18). Reporting of exercise descriptor items from the Toigo and Boutellier framework ranged from 0-13, with an average score of 9/13, and only 7 studies achieved a full 13/13. Reporting of items from the CERT ranged from 0-18, with an average score of 14/19. No study achieved a full 19/19, however 5 achieved 18/19. Scoring for resistance training principles ranged from 1-10, with only 11 studies achieving 10/10. Reporting across studies for the i-CONTENT tool ranged from 2-7, with an average score of 5 across included studies. A total of 19 studies achieved a full 7/7 score. Less than 50% of studies achieved an overall low risk of bias, highlighting the methodological concerns throughout studies
Conclusion: The reporting of exercise descriptors and intervention content was generally high across RCTs for lower limb tendinopathy, with most allowing exercise replication. However, reporting for some tendinopathies and content items such as adherence was poor, limiting optimal translation to clinical practice.
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